zaterdag 24 maart 2012

Ode to Miroslava Duma

Pic's: Tubmlr

If I could steal anybody's wardrobe in the world it would  be Miroslava Duma's.
Not that i fit her clothes anyway (she's very tiny, i'm like 2 times taller than she is!) but still
I would be pretty satisfied with only her bagcollection (or even just the Hèrmes ones ;)). 
I don't know how she does it but everything looks like it is specially made for her.
Besides that she gives the outfit a spark in a way only she can. And eventhough her wardrobe must have have the size of a whole freaking household, i haven't seen her with the same item twice!  
Miroslava, if you read this, can I PLEASE have your wardrobe for just one day?!
 Or even an minute?! Let me know Mira! ;)

With love, Inge 

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